Something a little different

I’m taking Jane Dunnewold’s Creative Strength Training course again this year. She encourages everyone to keep our eyes open for certain art principles that show up in our daily seeing. One can post ones results on the private Facebook page but I don’t do Facebook for lots of reasons so it occurred to me that I might use this space to keep track of my images , at least for a while. I’m not sure it will happen daily, My rebel has a lot of trouble committing to a daily anything. But this might keep me posting here more often than I have in the recent past. So I’m going to give it a try.

March is all about line: this first capture, was done a few years ago, when I discovered I could draw with my finger on my phone while I waited for something or other… I like the way this drawing uses thick and thin, straight and squiggly but nothing more than lines and it reminds me of drawing when I was a child… maybe that’s a good place to start!